Hello and welcome to the official start of my blog. Number one question a writer should ask "Who is your audience?" My target audience for today's blog: People that read white papers.
To the astonishment of many educators, myself included, children can learn to read at a much earlier age. It stands to reason that kids could learn to count at an earlier age.
Beginning the foundations for success in math is a difficult task and educators have clung to what works. Although these styles vary greatly, many carry a common theme: the pinnacle of expectations for math computation is the "Multiplication Tables". Either a 10 x 10 multiplication table or a 12 x 12. Unlike the Tiger Mom, the average school in America has not raised the basic math expectations in 40 years.
I would like to see that change, right now. A look into the average elementary school in America we see math taught verbally combined with digits and variables written on the chalk board. In the K through 1st grades, verbal teaching methods i.e. "count by 2's" are still in use. It works! for the auditory learner. Another practice is the use of a number line or number grid. The learner is taught the correlation between number and distance. A very one-dimensional view of numbers. The success in teaching computational skills and expectations have remained stagnant for 40 years in America.
ColorMyMath proposes to change that. These low expectations and in turn performance for the average student is a thing of the past. A breakthrough in math education is inevitable and ColorMyMath leads the way by continuing a child's math education where many start: playing with blocks. ColorMyMath's advantage over blocks is the blocks are organized and quickly relay visual information by color and shape.
Why aren't bowling balls black anymore?
Android applications.
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